Please take a moment to read my PSA on this set.
Part 1 includes 12 items all of which are BGC & OTG compatible:
- 3 chair styles, all compatible with tables/desks
- Candle that can go into your sim’s inventory
- Coffee table
- Dining table that also works as a desk
- Single mattress & cardboard sleeping mat
- Usable by all ages
- Uncomfortable & poor sleep moodlets
- Regenerates energy slower than regular beds
- Bucket shower
- Modified water effect to looks as if its dripping from bucket
- OTG compatible with water surplus, after collecting water, or with eco-upgrades
- Fire Drum
- Functional bonfire & grill
- Hangout with friends, provides warmth, & other fun interactions
- Cook grill-compatible foods & herbal remedies
- Live drag trash, food, homework, art, music & toys into the fire to burn (fire must be lit!)
- Bucket toilet
- Always OTG compatible
- Becomes increasingly stinky & negative environment modifier with each use
- Requires emptying after 3 uses
- Empty just like a trash can