Thank You & Update
I feel like words can’t do justice to express my gratitude for this beautiful and loving community. The support, love, and generosity from both players and my fellow content creators has been life-changing. Not only have you all have almost donated enough to reach fundraising goal in just two weeks, but this experience and your messages have lifted my spirits as I am mending a broken heart and starting a new chapter in my life.
Berkeley had her initial consultation appointment with the surgeon this past week and will have the operation mid-May. The full recovery process is about 2-3 months, but if all goes well she should be able to live life to the fullest thanks to YOU. I will be posting updates on her surgery and recovery in the coming weeks! Because I am so close to having Berkeley’s surgery costs met, I have made the ‘Hide & Squeak Rodent Cage’ available for everyone early!
When life gives you lemons, make hamster cages
This could be a story of loss & heartbreak, but we are going to flip the script and make it one about love instead. Love you have shown me as I go through a major life change, love you have shown each other after sharing vulnerable stories, love from the sims community, both simmies & creators, and love for my ride or die.
You may have seen her simself in such sets as Metropolitan Dog Set and Multi Puppy Pads. This 90-lb furry, bearded lady is Berkeley, Berks, Berkie, or Berky-Berk. She has been with me through some of the most difficult times of my life, but now she needs some help. Her ACL & meniscus in her back leg have been completely torn and require surgery estimated to cost $7,000.
My compassionate & insanely talented friends have teamed up to help me create the ‘Hide & Squeak Rodent Cage’ set to help raise money for Berkeley’s surgery. As a thank you for your donation of any amount, you will receive this set to download. All funds raised through this campaign will be used to cover Berkeley’s surgery costs.
Because I am so close to having Berkeley’s surgery costs met, I have made the set available to download for everyone! Thank you to everyone that supported me during this difficult time!

Download is available for free. Donations are turned off.

Download is available for free. Donations are turned off.
Berkeley's Surgery
Berkeley tore her cranial cruciate ligament (CCL) which is similar to us tearing our ACL and meniscus. As a 90 lb furry mut, she was already struggling with hip dysplasia and without surgery her quality of life has quickly declined. The longer I wait to have the surgery, permanent and irreversible joint damage can happen in addition to the daily pain. She is still young and deserves a happy life, but with everything life has thrown at me recently I cannot afford the TPLO surgery she needs.
Even if you can’t donate, sharing this page would be so helpful and appreciated. I will be sure to share updates and progress with her surgery and recovery. Thank you so much for your love and support!
Hide & Squeak Features
- Small, MM style cages
- 1 tile wide & slottable
- Place on almost any surface
- Over 60 custom animations
- 12 swatches
- Custom tuning
- Fixed existing bugs
- Custom props
- 5 small animal types
- Skill building interactions
- Clutter & deco items
- Requires MFPS
Team Work Makes The Dream Work
Two years in the making, the ‘Hide and Squeak’ rodent cage set was truly built from love by creators PandaSama, Luddy, Little Dica, & Ravasheen. I am so humbled and forever grateful for their love, support, & friendship.
From very early on in my CC creating days, I have always wanted to tackle the beast of a hamster cage. Coming in at a massive 2 tiles wide x 2.5 tiles high, the original cage is larger than most regular sofas in the game. In 2020, PandaSama and I spent 6 months working on this project but we ultimately got burnt out and it was sent to the dreaded CC graveyard. When I hit a low in my life, some of the most talented and amazing creators (who I have the honor of calling my friends) came together to bring this project back to life in an effort to raise money for Berkeley’s surgery.
PandaSama made over 60 custom animations, Luddy came up with the concept art, Little Dica created the 3D objects & textures, and I coded the custom tuning to complete this set.

Little Dica
Object meshes & textures

Panda Sama
Custom animations

Concept art

Tuning & compilation