Last Updated: March 22, 2022
A batch of small bug fixes, updates, and fulfilling feature requests. Please make sure to delete the old versions and replace with the updated ones!
Elgato Content Creator Set
- You can now transfer videos from the streaming drone to the stream deck
- Sims can now resume unfinished DJ tracks
Filthy Fabulous - Part 1
- Sims can now ~sleep~ on the mattresses and not just nap
- The toilet no longer will catch on fire – my b
Into The Void - Voidcritter Gaming Tablet
- Fixed LE caused by “CollectionThresholdTest”
- Fixed static data retrieval LE
Paint of Heart Paper Sketchpad
- Sims will now put the sketchpad away in their inventory instead of random spots
- If they do leave it on a lot, it will be registered with lost & found and returned to their inventory
fresh off the press
September 2022 Bug Fixes & Updates
September 4, 2022
Fixes, updates, and improvements list in September 2022! Please read the post for the details and links to everything you need to update & replace!